In 2022, investment surged in web3 gaming – taking nearly half of all gaming investment in terms of dollars and raw numbers. However, for all of that investment, there was a lot of speculation, but not a lot of games. With the crypto crash, web3 gaming has gone through a downturn – with layoffs, panic, and uncertainty surrounding the sector.
In this podcast roundtable, Upptic’s Ian Brent and Sherif join hosts Xander Agosta and Warren Woodward in discussing what went wrong with web3 gaming, but also what went right, and where things are heading now. Learn about emerging web3 native marketing tactics that are effective, go-to-market strategies of newer web3 games vs. older ones, and how web3 game developers must pivot between web3 native audiences to mainstream gaming audiences as they scale.
With the removal of so many bad actors and speculation, there may be hope for web3 games yet.
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