In the rapidly evolving landscape of Web3 gaming, having a strategic growth playbook can make all the difference. This week, Jeff “Jihoz” Zirlin, a key figure in the Axie Infinity founding team, published a comprehensive Web3 growth playbook. For anyone looking to navigate the complexities of Web3 gaming or any consumer-facing Web3 product, this guide is essential reading.

Key Highlights from the Web3 Growth Playbook

  1. Incentive Alignment: Leveraging tokens to align incentives with community members. The emotional and utility value of tokens often outweighs their financial value.
  2. Referral Systems: Implementing on-chain referral systems to boost stakeholder engagement, particularly effective for those with networks but limited capital.
  3. User-Generated Content (UGC) and Creators: Supporting micro-influencers and encouraging community-created content through contests and generous recognition.
  4. Structuring Your Work: Differentiating between outcome and process goals, emphasizing the importance of actionable, daily tasks.
  5. Gifting: Using targeted giveaways to onboard and engage potential community members, turning strategic partnerships into growth opportunities.
  6. Community Engagement: Maintaining active communication in community channels, with a strong focus on voice interviews for genuine feedback.
  7. Developing the Elevator Pitch: Continuously refining and testing a compelling pitch to clearly articulate the project’s vision and value.
  8. Applying Startup Growth Principles: Embracing the strategies of successful startups to fuel growth in the Web3 gaming sector.
  9. Expectations Management: Setting realistic expectations and regularly updating the community on progress.
  10. Data-Driven Marketing: Using publicly shared metrics to validate success and motivate the community.

Why This Playbook Matters

Web3 gaming is maturing, and many of the tactics now common in the space originated with Axie Infinity. Concepts like Play2Earn, scholarships, and transparent growth metrics were pioneered by Axie. This playbook encapsulates these innovative strategies, offering valuable insights for marketers.

Analysis and Insights

We at Upptic can personally testify to the efficacy of many of Jihoz’s points, especially regarding UGC and influencer marketing. Our own mentorship programs align with his approach, emphasizing the importance of nurturing smaller content creators who offer high dedication and engagement.

However, it’s crucial to recognize that while Jihoz’s playbook is exceptional for getting from zero to one, scaling from one to 100 presents new challenges. Axie Infinity’s strategies might hit a local maximum unless there is broader Web3 adoption. There’s a significant opportunity to onboard traditional gamers and gradually introduce them to Web3, balancing top-funnel strength with robust community and retention hooks.

Looking Ahead

Axie Infinity continues to innovate, now focusing on scaling their strategies through the Ronin ecosystem. By replicating their successful growth playbook across new games, they aim to maintain their leading position in Web3 gaming. However, addressing onboarding barriers and expanding the addressable market will be crucial for sustained growth.

For anyone serious about Web3 marketing, Jihoz’s growth playbook is a treasure trove of insights and strategies. As the Web3 space continues to evolve, staying ahead of the curve with proven tactics and innovative approaches will be key to success.

Read the full Web3 Growth Playbook here and stay tuned for more insights from industry leaders.

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